Thursday, 5 November 2009

Pissing in our own bathwater. Democracy in Sinhaland. Who’s to blame for the lack of it?

Far more than FREE and FAIR elections a nation to exist democratically requires many more institutions in place, and administered without state interference.

- Independent Courts (Especially a judiciary that cannot be bribed)

- Non-party civil servants

- Independent institutions such as places of religious worship and universities

- The rule of law and property rights

- A free press

- Constitutional checks and balances

- A culture of openness and tolerance, especially of minorities

In Sinhaland political greatness is thrust upon some. Love Slave was one who sought this greatness and won it. We covered in fear during his rule. But our pockets were always filled, rice and curry three times a day, a promise of economic greatness to come, so we endured in silence. Satellite inherited her greatness from filial connections. She was our saviour as the 60% + majority she won in the first presidential race proved. She proved to be the worst leader Sinhaland had in history. Effectively kicking out Victory Lion’s brief but promising bid at democratic governance with his gay cohorts and selling state assets to amass a fortune even King Party is still jealous of. As for King Party what has been said I think is quite enough.

So basically we are a dictatorship that sheds it’s sheep’s clothing gradually.

We complain to the west, run to the United Nations, lobby to ensure that Sinhaland loses their GSP + status in Europe for the export of garments, those with ties to the government work hard to increase tourist arrivals, the Pongal diasporas work hard to discredit our image and discourage tourists, the opposition accuse the government of human rights abuse, the government brand them as traitors, the squabble continues.

We must now please stop blaming Banda and Thonda. Stop running to Jack and Jill. Correct our weak opposition. Ensure that all those who lost their lives to the Pongal war didn’t die in vain.

Stop running to external forces.

The time has come for the people to exercise their democratic right.

Charon calls out to the stronger souls willing to make the passage. Do you have a coin placed inside your mouth? Are you one of the brave?

Democracy I remember very like the childhood I fondly reminisce upon. I do not seek greatness, nor has it been thrust upon me, I seek democracy, for myself and the people of my country.

Politics is just another profession. Do it well or get out. We can throw them out you know?

Use your vote wisely this time around. But use it you must. Most important is the voters’ ability to throw any rogues out at regular intervals. This is the only time we are indispensable.

The good people of Sinhaland.

1 comment:

  1. // So basically we are a dictatorship that sheds it’s sheep’s clothing gradually.//
    do not agree. We are a socialist (democratic) country with weak policing.
    Singapore is a totalitarian democracy and we are not. And totalitarianism is not necessarily a bad thing.
    Socialism without a powerful police is conventional corruption. That is what we have. Not the professional politicians, the common masses corrupt more than everyone and since it is the popular demand, according to democracy, country runs that way. Not only elect, we can support most corrupted politicians, because we all benefit from that type of a system. Our middle class born for free, study for free, go to university for free and then get an government job for free. Working class, work aboard or in factories and generate wealth for the nation, which sucked by not the upper class, not mainly by the corrupted politicians, but by our middle class. There for, we do have a democracy, dictatorship that is what we don’t have.
    People like TinTin better than Dostoyevsky’s crime and punishment. Does that make TinTin better? I don’t think so. Peoples Vote not going to change Sri Lanka. She need a constitution (a constitution is an symbolic dictator) and proper policing.


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